πŸ™‹‍♀️Hello friend, I feel so excited to share my baking skills and experience with you. But first, let us look a bit into baking.

Generally, baking is the method of preparing food by the use of dry heat in a confined space, normally in an oven. Some baked flour products are: breads, cakes, pastries, cookies and pizzas. Other foods or meals could be baked as well. Baking is a skill acquired and should be seen as chemistry where every single thing matters. Any adjustment could be the undoing of the wonderful result of your product and the worst is that you won't know until it is baked and out of the oven. 

I advise that when making something for the first time, read the recipe thoroughly before starting. Every procedure should be followed because the recipe creator must have tried it out practically to have recommended it for you to try. Make sure not to alter the recipe until you have made it successfully at least once, then your result could determine if the recipe should be altered for a better and more wonderful result. 

There are skills Bakers and up-coming Bakers should possess which we will look into hopefully very soon. Some people say, "Baking is difficult". Individually, the techniques are not difficult, but it takes practice, experience and patience to get it all done. In baking, one needs to concentrate and be calculated. Baking is an interesting course and once you have the experience, you will catch a lot of fun in it, just like me. 

Please answer the following questions:
• How did you come across our blog? What social media?
• Have you baked before? Yes / No
• Are you a Baker and want to learn more? Or are you a beginner? 
• If you have baked before, what was the product and how was your experience? 
Comment below.

Moving on to the 10 Necessary Baking Tips and Tricks, CLICK HERE  to view the post.

Please feel free to comment, ask any question and to follow me on:
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Ikwuoma Diala.


Thanks for visiting and reading. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

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